As always excellent article. Very informative, interesting, and very well written. The history of Yugoslavia is fascinating and very complex. I enjoy very much reading it. Thank you for taking the time to enlightening us with the history of this interesting area of the word.
I loved to learn about Yugo-nostalgia . You make a great effort to let us know the vision of the residents of each city you visited that are part of the ex-Yugoslavia . You show us how hate causes divisions, rejection, death and trauma . Unfortunately we can see every day that the slogan
" Brotherhood and Unity" does not exist in many families .
As always excellent article. Very informative, interesting, and very well written. The history of Yugoslavia is fascinating and very complex. I enjoy very much reading it. Thank you for taking the time to enlightening us with the history of this interesting area of the word.
I loved to learn about Yugo-nostalgia . You make a great effort to let us know the vision of the residents of each city you visited that are part of the ex-Yugoslavia . You show us how hate causes divisions, rejection, death and trauma . Unfortunately we can see every day that the slogan
" Brotherhood and Unity" does not exist in many families .